open()函数 '''文件处理open函数的用法:读、写、追加模式 文件处理写 f = open("","w",encoding="utf-8") data = f.write("111\n") f.close() 文件处理读 r = open("","r",encoding="utf-8") data = print(data) r.close() 文件处理追加 a = open("","a",encoding="utf-8") data = a.write("2222\n") a.close() with的用法:可以省略掉python不释放内存的问题 文件处理读 with open("","r",encoding="utf-8") as r: print( 文件处理写 with open("","w",encoding="utf-8") as w: w.write("3333\n") 文件处理追加 with open("","a",encoding="utf-8") as a: a.write("4444\n") 将源文件写入新的文件中 with open("","r",encoding="utf-8") as r ,open("","w",encoding="utf-8") as w: w.write( 追加文件到源文件中 with open("","r",encoding="utf-8") as r ,open("","a",encoding="utf-8") as a: a.write("11111\n") data = print(data) b模式 b模式的读、写、追加 文件读模式 f = open("","rb")#b模式不需要指定编码格式 data = print(data) #查看到是bytes格式 print(data.decode("utf-8")) #解码 转换模式: 字符串----------encode-----------bytes bytes-----------decode-----------字符串 文件写模式 f = open("","wb") f.write(bytes("22222\n",encoding="utf-8")) f.write(bytes("张三\n",encoding="utf-8")) #编码方法1 f.write("李四".encode("utf-8")) #编码方法2 文件追加模式 a = open("","ab") a.write(bytes("张三\n",encoding="utf-8")) a.write("李四\n".encode("utf-8")) '''
# 其他方法: # f = open("","r",encoding="utf-8",newline="") #读取文件中真正的换行符合 # print(f.readlines()) # print(f.tell()) #光标位置 # #指定光标所在位置(以字节为单位) # #代表读取3个字符 # f.truncate() #文件截断,以r+、a+模式打开,w+模式不可以,会清空文件
# 文件操作倒着查找: # f = open ("日志文件","rb") # 方式一: # data = f.readlines() # print(data[-1].decode("utf-8")) #切片方式,截取最后一段 # 方式二: # for i in f.readlines(): #for循环以列表形式一行一行读取打开的文件 # print(i) # for i in f: # offs = -10 #定义一个倒序变量 # while True: #,2) #以2倒序模式读取10个字节 # data = f.readlines() #一行一行读取打开的文件,组成列表 # if len(data) > 1: #判断读取的行数是否大于1,如果小于1,则offs*=2增加一倍读取 # print("文件的最后一行是%s" %(data[-1].decode("utf-8"))) # break # offs *=2 #读取行数小于一行,说明字节数不够,增加一倍,倒数20个字节
#三元表达式 # name = "alex" # name = "tom" # res="low货" if name == "alex" else "帅锅" # print(res) #列表解析 还可以结合三元表达式,结合判断; # 常规方法一 # egg_list = [] # for i in range(10): # egg_list.append("蛋%s" %i) # print(egg_list) #列表解析方法二 # l = ["蛋%s" %i for i in range(10)] # print(l) # 生成器表达式 省内存 # l_m = ("鸡蛋%s" %i for i in range(10)) # # 每次生成一个,next方法 # # 方法一 # print(l_m.__next__()) # # 方法二 # print(next(l_m)) #next本质就是调用__next__
1 import time 2 def test(): 3 print('开始打印') 4 yield 1 5 time.sleep(3) 6 yield 2 7 time.sleep(3) 8 yield 3 9 res = test()10 print(res)11 print(res.__next__()) #nest方式12 print(next(res))13 print(next(res))
1 #人口表2 { 'name':'北京','population':10}3 { 'name':'山东','population':20}4 { 'name':'山西','population':30}5 { 'name':'西安','population':40}6 { 'name':'河北','population':50}
1 #人口统计和百分比 2 #函数 3 def get_population(): 4 with open("人口","r",encoding="utf-8") as f: #打开一张表,相对路径 5 for i in f : 6 yield i 7 g = get_population() #函数执行第一次 8 g1 = get_population() #函数执行第二系 9 #调用第一次执行,求出总人数10 all_pop = sum(eval(i)["population"] for i in g)11 print("总人口%s" % all_pop)12 #调用第二次函数执行,求出每个省对应人数13 s1 = g1.__next__()14 print("%s"'%.2f %%' % (eval(s1)["name"] ,eval(s1)["population"] / all_pop))15 s2 = g1.__next__()16 print('%s''%.2f %%' % (eval(s2)["name"] ,eval(s2)["population"] / all_pop))17 s3 = g1.__next__()18 print('%s''%.2f %%' % (eval(s3)["name"] ,eval(s3)["population"] / all_pop))19 s4 = g1.__next__()20 print('%s''%.2f %%' % (eval(s4)["name"] ,eval(s4)["population"] / all_pop))21 s5 = g1.__next__()22 print('%s''%.2f %%' % (eval(s5)["name"] ,eval(s5)["population"] / all_pop))